Chair massages
Massage relaxes and renews strength simultaneously by pressing fatigue out of the muscles, giving a boost to blood circulation and bringing new oxygen into the muscular system.. At the same time the short physical break empties the head, like a power nap, which can be really effective for creative thinkers. Being touched also regulates the level of hormones in the body. It decreases stress hormones and increases the 'feel good' hormones. It can be a moment of truth for some people, a moment of realisation and, sometimes, a signal to make a (small) change, such as improving their ability to be more conscious in the present.
And of course the massage also has a psychological component. It tells the employees they're appreciated by their employer, and they're important enough to be cared for and invested in, in a both physical and mental way. Employers are increasingly being held accountable for the period their employees are eventually ill and unable to work. The costs of activities that prevent illness are therefore sometimes ‘tax free’. If massage is part of an ‘Arbo’ plan, the costs can be deducted* from the amount of taxes that has to be paid.
My proposal is to give a 20 minute massage – clothed, as it is a pressure massage -- on a regular, monthly base. It's the repeating character that makes the company massage more than just a generous gesture. It becomes a maintenance program, in which every detail of the participant’s back, neck, shoulders, arms and hands are considered and treated. Monthly.
Because of the regular repetition, the massage quickly starts to pay itself back to the investor.
I’m happy to provide some demonstrations and tell you more about the advantages of massage and my experience.
Other massages
Ofcourse I can provide the classical relaxation massage. With my mobile massage table I will visit you and can give massages that span thirty to ninety minutes each.
I will need someone from your compagny to take care of the agenda for the massages. Chair massages are done in blocks of five with a 20 minutes break after each block. I also need a quiet and secluded room.